a place to put random discourses on life
lifehappens's Articles In Blogging » Page 4
February 8, 2006 by lifehappens
So life is always full of ups and downs. Sometimes we are given a choice....will we see the glass as half empty or half full? Are you ready? Here goes.... Last week I embarked on a quest for a new certification. (Les Mills-Body Flow) It's a high intensity training that is not for the faint of heart or body. I worried about my ability to make it through....but I came through with flying colors. Now I just need to submit a video of me teaching and I am good to go... ..but that will...
February 1, 2006 by lifehappens
So I've been waiting around to find out if I got the job at Gold's gym. ( Link ) At first I was a bit frustrated because I felt like I was getting the runaround....but as it turns out, they think I'm great. I really wowed them with the stack o'certifications. That's how they refered to me when I went back "You know, that one girl with the huge pile of certs..." Anyway, that all being said, last night I found out that I was accepted into a Les Mills training in San Antonio....starting F...
January 6, 2006 by lifehappens
So I've been a bit dissatisfied with my yoga teaching positions as of late. I have been led on about classes that "will be added any time now". I really would like to teach somewhere that is sincere about promoting the yoga and pilates programs. (I also want daycare which means teaching at a gym.) So I'm applying to Gold's Gym. That's right ladies and gents, Gold's is coming to Killeen! But I'm not qualified for the job (or so the rumor mill says) Apparently they want people certif...
December 29, 2005 by lifehappens
Do you make New Year's Resolutions? If so, what are they? Do you have any that you never accomplished? I know that some people refuse to make goals jsut because it's a new year, but do you have ny non-new year specific resolutions that you are working on? I've had the same goals since I was 15. Lose 15 lbs, be more organized/less messy and learn something new. The first two are still works in progress. I just keep resetting my goal from 160 to 150 and now to 135 (that last ...
December 29, 2005 by lifehappens
As I sit here munching on a homemade chocolote cookie, I am reflecting on my achievements of today. For some of you, it may not seem that interesting or impressive, but let me continue anyway, because I feel cool As some of you know, we own a rental property just off Fort Hood. It was a great idea until 9/11. Now soldiers are deploying frequently and breaking the leases. The lost rent has been eating into our savings steadily over the last few years and last month we decided to sell. (J...
November 4, 2005 by lifehappens
How many of you have been accosted in your own homes by an earnest teen (or adult even!) who lies to you? I get them all the time. Today for example. Young 18ish kid comes to my door. "Hi M'am, how are you doing this fine day?" Holds out hand to indicate I should open the door and shake his hand. I leave the door shut. "Are you selling something?" "No, no M'am not at all! Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?" (What? Give you my name AND address? do you think ...
October 4, 2005 by lifehappens
After delving into the darkest regions of my past, I couldn't get to sleep. So here I am, trying to clear th cobwebs away. There is part of my life, where I had just entered into foster care and my life blurred. I dont' remember a lot of that time in my life. There are a few events that really stand out. But for the most part I have let that part of my life fade away. I was so scared and so unhappy that I did a lot of things that probably made everything worse. I was a troubled chi...
December 1, 2006 by lifehappens
Things you never knew about vomit that you probably wish you didn't. A phone covered in vomit will stop working.....and even if it didn't, the smell makes it unusable. A 22.5 lb baby girl can vomit 10 lbs of puke in four days and only lose 2 if you keep pushing fluids. Vomit must be washed out of hair immediately. If you miss a tiny spot of vomit, it will dry and form a cement-like bond with the hair that will not wash out with soap and water. Screaming too long can induce ...
November 28, 2006 by lifehappens
This morning started very early. 1 am early. I was awakened by the sounds of a barely 2 year old girl sobbing. I found her sobbing between barfs. After a carefully timed rescue/clean up mission, we sat (on several layers of blanket) on the couch. I just tried to calm her down. Vomit smells bad, feels worse coming up and is a frightening way to wake up. We go through the barf, remove top layer of blanket routine a few times before it looks like the worst has subsided. (ps It hadn...
November 27, 2006 by lifehappens
I've been noticing the kitchen and living room are noticably warmer than the rest of the house. I don't hae the heat on yet, and usually this only happens when I cook. The cooking has been pretty minimal as of late.....I'm eating lots of leftovers, although I'm running low. (Time to cook the other turkey) I woke up this morning and had a revelation when I turned on my tree..... It's the lights. Each strand of lights doesn't put out much heat, but I lost count this year and have be...
November 17, 2006 by lifehappens
Actually, I put my Christmas tree up 2 days ago. Since HW isn't here, I don't have to wait till the day after Thanksgiving to put it up. So I decided to take a week to decorate. I put the tree and lights up....and a few nativities....not too much yet. I also bought a tree for my kids' bedroom. Connor picked out all red lights but I nixed that idea and suggested HW's favorite, multicolored. So this weekend we are putting it up and then during break, we will be making stars and string...
November 13, 2006 by lifehappens
Today, my plans changed. Instead of running errands and grocery shoping, I scaled the semi-steep peek of my addition and learned to be a roofer. It's not as complicated as it looks, but it is hard, back breaking labor. It's dusk right now and there isn't enough light to work, but floodlights arent' as effective as they will be at full dark. So we used that as an excuse to take a break and get some food. I ate breakfast at 7 this morning and I've been busy ever since....the job doesn't ...
November 11, 2006 by lifehappens
I really wanted to blog today, so mcuh is going on. The roofing crew is here...hopefully the slideshow will work....
November 8, 2006 by lifehappens
Due to OPSEC, certain features and items have been censored. (but it really is him!)
November 7, 2006 by lifehappens
http://www.treatthetroops.org/ is an organization that bakes and mails cookies to our soldiers overseas. Dupont has volunteered to pay for postage based on how many people register to participate in the Great American Cookie Swap. Go to Link to register. If you don't know who to send cookies to, I can give you the addresses of the 1Cav units that deployed at the end of October. Please participate in supporting our troops!