a place to put random discourses on life
lifehappens's Articles In Blogging » Page 4
May 21, 2007 by lifehappens
So I teach my kids about strangers and all the typical warnings that accompany the lecture. I never thought of myself as a stranger though. On the way to school, I spy a kid I see all the time. He's probably 1st grade at most and usually walks with his brother. He is sitting alone, on the corner, crying his eyes out. I don't see his brother anywhere and this kid is too young to just be out alone. I stop the car (blocking traffic) and go up to see if he is okay. He starts crying abo...
May 18, 2007 by lifehappens
So I learned layouts last night. WOO HOOO!!!! I won't bore you with the embarassing blunders from my first two times...I chickened out and didn't let go.....I forgot to kick back hard and didn't have enough power....and then flew off the bar....*hangs head in shame* BUT...I DID GET IT! and an almost catch, I should have gone for it, but I didn't think I was ready. Adam was so close....he said that I could have gone for it. I wish I knew he was going to be there...I might ha...
May 9, 2007 by lifehappens
Can I pout? What if I stomp my foot on the ground? How about I throw myself to the floor, kick and scream and wail at the top of my lungs until I am blue in the face? Well, it works for kids, but I suppose I'm out of luck. I can whine and cry all I want but the inevitable truth will always be out there. The is nothing I can do. BUT I DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT! I'm only *wail* 29 *whine*!!!! I refuse to grow up and "act my age". I don't care what people think. I don't care ho...
May 6, 2007 by lifehappens
This trick is a blind catch called a front end whip.....woo hoo!!!!! I thought I was never going to catch it. Plus I almost caught the return. If I can get that down, maybe I can try something hard....like a double!
April 22, 2007 by lifehappens
Sign in and let the Joeuser universe know where you are!
April 13, 2007 by lifehappens
I know there are Joeusers in Texas.....anyone want to fly on the trapeze with me? (Austin TX) Dare to Fly: Two Hour Adventures in Trapeze Peter Gold REGISTER BY PHONE FOR THIS COURSE, 1-877-944-3003. MAY 28 – 28, 07 The Crossings Austin, TX Course: #CR07PG Tuition: $75 (child or adult tuition is $75 per person per 2-hour class) Are you yearning to be more alive? Come feel the thrill of the flying trapeze with our 2-hour classes offered MARCH 3 – MAY 28. These classes are appr...
February 20, 2007 by lifehappens
Scene: Allmart. Mom is pushing kid one in cart. Kid two makes a sudden discovery "Mom, mom! We need this!" He point to an overpriced can of Ravioli with a cartoon character on it. Deciding to teach the kid a lesson in economics, Mom makes him read the label. "Mini Rav. Rav-ravi-ooh ligh" "Ravioli" "Yeah, that's what I said." Holding up a can of Allmarty goodness, "And what does this one say?" "Mini Ravioli" "So they are the same?" "Well, yeah..." "This one is 85 cents and ...
February 20, 2007 by lifehappens
My son is very picky. He likes his sandwiches one way and ONLY one way. To suggest a variation of the norm is met with harsh criticism. "Moooooooomm!" (Insert heavy sigh and eye roll) "I don't LIKE jelly. I just want my sandwich on bread, one piece, peanut butter, NO jelly, folded in half....*breath* like a rectangle NOT a triangle....okaaay?!" The "I don't LIKE *insert food here*" line is getting annoying. Especially since he decides the value of a food BEFORE he tries it. ...
February 20, 2007 by lifehappens
I finally decided that the planned sleeping arrangements are going to change. The plan was to move Maddy into the old computer room. I haven't' moved the piano out yet, but I am trying to get the room ready as much as possible now. I've painted the walls, refinished a dresser and her baby cradle already. As soon as her bed is moved in and I make some curtains. she can move in. I found a pretty (free) daybed. It was just like the one I wanted as a kid that I never was able to have....
February 18, 2007 by lifehappens
I'm picking on Extreme Makeover Home Edition again. Sorry if you are a fan of the show, but for some reason I am inspired to blog when I watch. They are featuring a family in Austin. They have 6 children and are barely making ends meet, but they are further pushed to the edge becuase 5 of the 6 kids are autistic. 2 of the 5 are classic cases that will need lifetime care, the other 3 may live in various stages of independence. Check out the link for more info. Link So here is my que...
February 14, 2007 by lifehappens
Few things bring me so much joy as the feeling of truly being loved. There are a few things that stand out. Of course there is the love between my husband and myself. ~Having my husband write me romantic letters, detailing how he felt when he asked me to marry him and recalling fun happy memories of us together, is really high on the feeling special and loved list. Having him wrap his arms around me when we are reunited in the airport is probably one of the top ones. Mother hood brin...
February 11, 2007 by lifehappens
So I saw the preview for tonight's (Sunday, February 11, 7/6c) Extreme Makeover Home Edition. The preview were praising this guy for saving 2 people on 9/11. I'm not knocking his bravery, but it seems so wrong somehow. Why is this man a hero for saving people? Would they have gone so crazy and overboard for some guy who saved two people on 9/10? Why is it that anyone who died on 9/11 or did something good on 9/11 is suddenly a "super" hero? They act as though these people are MORE patr...
February 7, 2007 by lifehappens
Yes, before we go any farther, I know that I am using the most misused quote in the world.....but this morning when the alarm went off, I actually wondered if death is the only way I would finally feel rested. That moment when you are violently yanked from peaceful bliss. Dream free slumber destroyed by the blaring sounds of a radio. THAT is the moment that ruins every day. I have my clock radio across the room. Otherwise, I will simply hit the snooze button and go back to sleep....9...
February 6, 2007 by lifehappens
My son brought home a note from school yesterday. Dear parent or guardian, We will be studying Valentines' Day Celebrations from around the world.......Our class will end this unit of study with a Valentine's Celebration on Friday February 16th. If you would like to donate store bought, sugar-free food or drinks for the celebration, please sign up on the sheet outside the classroom door. The students are welcome to exchange Valentine's Day Cards with their friends. However,...
February 5, 2007 by lifehappens
I decided that my kids needed something new to watch on tv.....I can only watch "Cars" so many times before I go crazy. I borrowed Dralion-Cirque Du Soleil's 200 performance. They thought the girl doing a one handed handstand while contorting was pretty cool. They also loved the girls on the teeterboard and the juggler. You would think this is just fun, wholesome family fun, right? WRONG! Only few moments after I wandered into the kitchen to start dinner my daughter called me...."M...