a place to put random discourses on life
lifehappens's Articles In Blogging » Page 8
November 27, 2006 by lifehappens
I've been noticing the kitchen and living room are noticably warmer than the rest of the house. I don't hae the heat on yet, and usually this only happens when I cook. The cooking has been pretty minimal as of late.....I'm eating lots of leftovers, although I'm running low. (Time to cook the other turkey) I woke up this morning and had a revelation when I turned on my tree..... It's the lights. Each strand of lights doesn't put out much heat, but I lost count this year and have be...
November 17, 2006 by lifehappens
Actually, I put my Christmas tree up 2 days ago. Since HW isn't here, I don't have to wait till the day after Thanksgiving to put it up. So I decided to take a week to decorate. I put the tree and lights up....and a few nativities....not too much yet. I also bought a tree for my kids' bedroom. Connor picked out all red lights but I nixed that idea and suggested HW's favorite, multicolored. So this weekend we are putting it up and then during break, we will be making stars and string...
November 13, 2006 by lifehappens
Today, my plans changed. Instead of running errands and grocery shoping, I scaled the semi-steep peek of my addition and learned to be a roofer. It's not as complicated as it looks, but it is hard, back breaking labor. It's dusk right now and there isn't enough light to work, but floodlights arent' as effective as they will be at full dark. So we used that as an excuse to take a break and get some food. I ate breakfast at 7 this morning and I've been busy ever since....the job doesn't ...
November 11, 2006 by lifehappens
I really wanted to blog today, so mcuh is going on. The roofing crew is here...hopefully the slideshow will work....
November 8, 2006 by lifehappens
Due to OPSEC, certain features and items have been censored. (but it really is him!)
November 7, 2006 by lifehappens
http://www.treatthetroops.org/ is an organization that bakes and mails cookies to our soldiers overseas. Dupont has volunteered to pay for postage based on how many people register to participate in the Great American Cookie Swap. Go to Link to register. If you don't know who to send cookies to, I can give you the addresses of the 1Cav units that deployed at the end of October. Please participate in supporting our troops!
November 3, 2006 by lifehappens
As you may have guessed by the title....Matt called! I have such a happy glow. **BIG GRIN** I saw the phone ring and flash "Private Name and Number", but being the good Army wife, I answered it to find....a bit of happy! Connor and Madeline were just getting into bed and I let them stay up a minute to talk to their dad. Unfortunately, he asked me to call back so I wouldn't use the minutes up on the borrowed phone (THANKS AMSTUTZ!) But when I called back, I got a foriegn message foll...
October 28, 2006 by lifehappens
I was going to post this Wed. but I just now got around to it. That's them......
October 28, 2006 by lifehappens
When HW is home, he makes me sit in front of the tv and "unwind" with him. Okay, I admit, most of the time he doesn't "make" me.....I want to cuddle him so I willingly leave the computer or projects or whatever to join him. But now......I've already noticed that I have changed my sleep schedule. I used to think that I'd stay up because going to bed alone was lonely and no fun. However, I realized this morning that it has more to do with my addiction to the computer. I like to check my...
October 26, 2006 by lifehappens
Today he left. And amazingly enough.....I'm okay. Maybe it's just that I got out my frustration yesterday. I was sad and lonely because he didn't come home when we expected and it was his LAST day home. And then he didn't come home at the new time.....and again.....finally hours after I had hoped to see him, he arrived. Just in time to for my daughter to wake from her nap and our son to arrive home from school. No alone time. I was hurt, angry and upset. I sobbed and mopped around...
October 12, 2006 by lifehappens
It's kind of a morbid topic. Especially as a phone call. *ring ring* me: " Hello?" HW: "Hi, so I told you that I'm putting Dad down to recieve my remains, right?" me: "um, no, but okay." HW: "You know, that way you won't have to deal with it. He would just have to sign for my body." me: "So , they what? Send... (mind searching for term to use) them to Colorado or here?" HW: "probably here since that's where my unit is, but they (Dad) would come down....." me: "Does he know ...
September 29, 2006 by lifehappens
Today we started the demolision phase of our construction project! From this point on we are past the point of no return. We are in it for the long haul. Good thing I'm positive about this, huh? I hope! Our poor little boy was torn as to whether it was cool or a bad idea to let some guy break our porch! He had a lot of fun watching it, but then worriedly asked me why I would let "that guy break our porch" and told me "it's not good to break our house. He shouldn't break our house, ...
September 24, 2006 by lifehappens
June 26, 2006 by lifehappens
A friend of mine lost her brother the day after he graduated from AIT. He died in a car accident that was just that...an accident. I worried about my friend for quite a while. At first she blamed herself to suggesting that route and for not insisting he rest before leaving and for a million other "shoulda coulda wouldas" But I think she is going to be okay. I happened to snag a pic of her brother walking on the beach while serving a mission(right before he joined the military) and c...
June 10, 2006 by lifehappens
I'm a good mom. I love my kids and as you may have noticed from a previous article, the worst threat is to "beat you with a pickle". So when my 18 month old daughter woke up and couldn't move her left arm, I was concerned to say the least. I racked my brain to figure out what might have happened to her. The only thing I could think of was last night. After a bath, we chase her around and "catch" her with the towel to dry her off. Well, last night durring the game, she suddenly burst i...