a place to put random discourses on life
lifehappens's Articles In Blogging » Page 3
August 5, 2007 by lifehappens
So, HW called me today. He spent $175 on a pair of boots. Knowing the rigures of Army life, I understand the need for good footwear. A little pricey but we can deal with it.... But OHhhhhh no. We were not charged once for the boots. We were charged 3 freaking times! I am so sick of calling the bank. First my purse was stolen. Then our banking account was comprimised. Now, HW's card is comprimised as well. The bank insists that because the card was swiped three times, that they...
July 24, 2007 by lifehappens
So less than a month after my purse was swiped....a charge appeared on my bank account for almost $300. The bank assured me that it was not related to the recent theft of my purse. I had changed all my cards and put a fraud alert on my credit cards. I shred all my bank information as well. According to them, I did everything that I needed to to protect myself. Knowing that this was a completely unrelated incident, did not make me feel any better about a second, possibly random, cas...
July 14, 2007 by lifehappens
WOOO HOOOO! I am finally done with this semester! Finally, the nightmare is over. Actually, it wasn't that bad, but my fluff class was hard and the other was a lot of essay work and HORRIBLE exams. I can't express the level of irritation I felt with my Philosophy instructor. I think he made his exams impossible just to see if anyone would quit. You were timed and had one question pop up on a screen. Once you answered, you could not go back. Oh, and he never posted how many questio...
July 12, 2007 by lifehappens
“A woman is often measured by the things she cannot control. She is measured by the way her body curves or does not curve, by where she is flat or straight or round. She is measured by 36-24-36 and inches and ages and numbers. By all the outside things that don’t ever add up to who she is on the inside. And so if a woman is to be measured, let her be measured by the things she can control. By who she is and who she is trying to become. Because as every woman knows, measurements are only s...
June 22, 2007 by lifehappens
So I'm sitting here, reading my email with a bowl of plain ol' Cheerios. There is a generous handful of fresh blueberries floating in them. As I try to get a bite of cereal with only one or two blueberries (so they last through the whole bowl) I am struck with a flashback. As a child, I grew up on KI Sawyer AFB in the UP (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) and there were so many blueberries in the woods around post. The best berries were around the base lake, where you had to fight hoards o...
June 14, 2007 by lifehappens
So tonight was the last day that Trapeze-experience was going to be in Austin. I was signed up for the very last class at 7 pm. A friend of mine was bringing a friend from out of town with us to fly as well. We all loaded into her little bitty car. The kids and I crammed into the back seat. For those who don't know or don't' remember, I was in a fairly serious car wreck about a year ago. My back still spasms and aches if I am in a car too long. A tiny back seat is NOT the best w...
June 6, 2007 by lifehappens
Have you ever completed an amazingly hard physical challenge and had the scars to show at the end? Even though your feet are blistered from running a marathon or your body just aches, it's okay...the pain is a badge of pride and just shows how hard you worked.... Today wasn't one of those days. After a little more than a week off, I had the chance to jump back in and fly some more. Everything was off....my takeoff was lousy: I kept jumping out instead of up, my sweepback was short i...
June 4, 2007 by lifehappens
This is just a bunch of random stuff that makes me happy to be a mom.... Connor was playing a friend's house last week. He decided to teach his friend to to trapeze tricks....in the bedroom closet, on the clothes rod. They were frustrated by the shelf that "made us not go upside down" but still had a blast doing tricks. *big grin* I love my kid! Maddy said prayer before breakfast this morning. Her personality is definetely making an appearance in her prayer style. "Dear Heav'nly ...
May 21, 2007 by lifehappens
So I teach my kids about strangers and all the typical warnings that accompany the lecture. I never thought of myself as a stranger though. On the way to school, I spy a kid I see all the time. He's probably 1st grade at most and usually walks with his brother. He is sitting alone, on the corner, crying his eyes out. I don't see his brother anywhere and this kid is too young to just be out alone. I stop the car (blocking traffic) and go up to see if he is okay. He starts crying abo...
May 18, 2007 by lifehappens
So I learned layouts last night. WOO HOOO!!!! I won't bore you with the embarassing blunders from my first two times...I chickened out and didn't let go.....I forgot to kick back hard and didn't have enough power....and then flew off the bar....*hangs head in shame* BUT...I DID GET IT! and an almost catch, I should have gone for it, but I didn't think I was ready. Adam was so close....he said that I could have gone for it. I wish I knew he was going to be there...I might ha...
May 9, 2007 by lifehappens
Can I pout? What if I stomp my foot on the ground? How about I throw myself to the floor, kick and scream and wail at the top of my lungs until I am blue in the face? Well, it works for kids, but I suppose I'm out of luck. I can whine and cry all I want but the inevitable truth will always be out there. The is nothing I can do. BUT I DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT! I'm only *wail* 29 *whine*!!!! I refuse to grow up and "act my age". I don't care what people think. I don't care ho...
May 6, 2007 by lifehappens
This trick is a blind catch called a front end whip.....woo hoo!!!!! I thought I was never going to catch it. Plus I almost caught the return. If I can get that down, maybe I can try something hard....like a double!
April 22, 2007 by lifehappens
Sign in and let the Joeuser universe know where you are!
April 13, 2007 by lifehappens
I know there are Joeusers in Texas.....anyone want to fly on the trapeze with me? (Austin TX) Dare to Fly: Two Hour Adventures in Trapeze Peter Gold REGISTER BY PHONE FOR THIS COURSE, 1-877-944-3003. MAY 28 – 28, 07 The Crossings Austin, TX Course: #CR07PG Tuition: $75 (child or adult tuition is $75 per person per 2-hour class) Are you yearning to be more alive? Come feel the thrill of the flying trapeze with our 2-hour classes offered MARCH 3 – MAY 28. These classes are appr...
February 20, 2007 by lifehappens
Scene: Allmart. Mom is pushing kid one in cart. Kid two makes a sudden discovery "Mom, mom! We need this!" He point to an overpriced can of Ravioli with a cartoon character on it. Deciding to teach the kid a lesson in economics, Mom makes him read the label. "Mini Rav. Rav-ravi-ooh ligh" "Ravioli" "Yeah, that's what I said." Holding up a can of Allmarty goodness, "And what does this one say?" "Mini Ravioli" "So they are the same?" "Well, yeah..." "This one is 85 cents and ...