Boy just said his bedtime prayer. "Blah blah blah....And please keep my Daddy safe and strong...And please keep the soldiers in Iraq safe so when they come home to thier families for not just vacation but for good, they aren't dead." Dang. Why did he catch on to that now? I've tried to shelter him and when we pray as a family, I emphasise the "Please bless Dad, keep him safe and healthy and strong ...etc etc. I've tried to avoid mentioning deaths in other units so that he doesn't ...
The first video was a practice.... And the catch.... I was still letting go early. From my point of view I was coming too close and I'd let go too soon, but maybe I will practice this again....
So I decided that it was time to go flying! Link
Today is my birthday! WHA HOOO!! Actually, make that more of a "whew." Birthdays aren't as exciting as they were when I was a kid. Somehow as you get older, the magic slips away. Maybe it's knowing that you have to budget for your own birthday gifts takes the thrill out of it. All things aside, it is a wonderful day. HW got to come back from the field to be with me (WOO HOO!-that makes 3 birthdays together in 9 years!) That has been one of the nicest things that I could get to...
I love to Ebay. Yes, it can be a verb. It's like windowshopping in your underwear. You can dream about the 1965 GTO selling for $500.....even though you know that when the bidding stops four days from now, it will cost about as much as your house. Seriously though, Ebay is great place. With a little effort, you can find almost anything you want or even didn't know you wanted. And you can get it at a fantastic price. I found a Fisher Price Castle. You know the one. It had the be...
The worst music in the world is the music that phone companies play when they put you on hold. It is enough to drive even the most sane person crazy in a matter of minutes. I am sitting on the Lingo support line. I am trying to find out why I have a dial tone and I can call out, but NOBODY can call me! They get a message that says "The subscriber you are trying to reach in this network is unavalible." Needless to say, this is VERY irritating when I fin out that my boss and my husbands ...
I just realized that I am now past the 100 article mark. Pretty amazing. i also noticed that I am not writing as frequently anymore. I used to get up every morning and write. It was easy to get up and get moving because I went to be fairly early. I had no reason to stay up, so I went to sleep at 9 or 10 every night. I woke up lonely and went in search of IMs from my husband or blogs from Joeuser. I vented my frustrations (so much so that I tended to sound pretty whiny sometimes) a...
I am a yoga instructor. I occasionally teach pilates. I have taken spinning, kickboxing and step classes in my past (before this last pregnancy). What made me think this qualified me to teach a kickboxing class? I have a friend, Amy who teaches15 classes a week. Water, kickboxing, step, pilates, name it. She could n't find ANYONE to sub her Thursday night class. Since I have the next class (Power yoga), I offered...after all, how hard could it be? Ahem. VERY h...
I'm sick as a dog today. My head is pounding and my sinuses feel like they are going to explode. My stomach hurts and I would like to just crawl back in bed for a nice long nap. But i can't, so I got up, called in sick to work, fed my kids, packed a lunch for my son and sent him off to school. (at least I had someone who could give him a ride so I could stay home) I put on my fuzzy slippers from Peru and an old high school sweatshirt. Then I looked in the mirror and realized my shirt ...
In the moment of quiet before all hell breaks loose again, I am announcing my return to EverJoe. (If you don't get it, you can read past articles till you find the one where I explain...or you can just move on) I spent 3 weeks with my in-laws because they wanted to see there granddaughter and because I had nothing worth keeping me here in Texas. It was a wonderful holiday. For the first time in my life, I truely felt like I was on a vacation. I didn't spend money or time doing crazy th...
So thanks to everyone who helped me with my minor breakdown on Monday. A little sleep and a few days helped me put life in perspective. Things I have realized.... !: Celebrating Christmas is a good idea. Last year, I started the whole tradition of reading a scripture and hanging a nativity ornament every night. I kicked that off tonight and it was really nice to do that. i invited the missionaries over to help decorate my tree and realized how much I love decorating. Every ornament ...
For those who don't know, Dharma knows how to knit. Link And with her sweet thoughtfulness, she knitted by baby daughter an adorable little hat. And so Dharma, for that I wanted to tell you THANK YOU! Anyone can throw a card into the mail, (although most people don't anymore...but a handmade gift means a lot to me. It says that you took the time to think of someone other than yourself and give up your time and energy to do something to make someone else happy. It came at a real...
Link Our daughter was born at 22 November 2004. She arrived in all her glory at 4:10 am at Darnell Army Hospital, weighing in at 7 lbs 10.2 oz and measuring 19 inches long. She was known by the nursing staff as "the ER baby". Apparently ER staff on had not actually delivered a baby for 2 years. So understandably there was a lot of excitement when we arrived early Monday morning.... It all started about 1 am. I couldn't sleep because I was having some intermittent contractions. ...
What makes some people think that it is okay to start giving my husband and I unsolicited advice about sex? I don't care if I am pregnant and overdue.....You DON'T need to start turning to my husband and suggesting that he " start doing his job" . There is no need to wink and suggest a "little more time in the bedroom might help speed things along." I do know what got me into this situation and yes, I do know that that may help us get out of it. Thanks for the suggestion. Now g...