Boy just said his bedtime prayer.
"Blah blah blah....And please keep my Daddy safe and strong...And please keep the soldiers in Iraq safe so when they come home to thier families for not just vacation but for good, they aren't dead."
Dang. Why did he catch on to that now? I've tried to shelter him and when we pray as a family, I emphasise the "Please bless Dad, keep him safe and healthy and strong...etc etc. I've tried to avoid mentioning deaths in other units so that he doesn't worry about his Dad. I don't insinuate that HW is in danger of any kind. We only have a few months to go....He is only 5 years old....I don't want him worrying about that.
Sigh. This is the first time he has really linked death and his dad. He has been talking about death quite a bit lately but I was hoping that it was becuase he watched a cartoon or played with a morbid kid. Sigh."