I just realized that I am now past the 100 article mark. Pretty amazing.
i also noticed that I am not writing as frequently anymore. I used to get up every morning and write. It was easy to get up and get moving because I went to be fairly early. I had no reason to stay up, so I went to sleep at 9 or 10 every night. I woke up lonely and went in search of IMs from my husband or blogs from Joeuser. I vented my frustrations (so much so that I tended to sound pretty whiny sometimes) and talked about whatever random thoughts were floating around my head.
As the reunion with HW approached, my time became focused on preparing for his return, Then we went to visit his family....whole bunch of stories there. And now we are home.
It's just now becoming routine for my to have my husband home....and working. i realized the other day that "normal" for me is being alone. Having my husband home was a treat, a vacation. He was usually on leave, so work was not an issue. I'm just now starting to adjust to the idea of him leaving at 0'dark thirty for work (and waking me up in the process). I'm realizing that I probably won't get to bed at a decent hour and that I will have to readjust my schedule to fit him.
And you know what? I'm realizing that I like this. I like having him be home and go to work. It's hard to get things done when he is home on vacation. I clean best alone...without distractions. And it's nice to have him kiss me goodby at 6 am. It's wonderful to have him home with me in the evenings....even if we are doing separate things. i like knowing he is in the house or that he will be coming home that night. I have not grown so accustomed to his presence that I am jaded....instead the short daily sepatations make me appreciate him home all the more.
The down side to all this? Well, I dont' seem to be getting as much sleep. I don't Joe as much (because my ideas and thoughts go directly to my husband) So while I lurk occasionally, my time is spent elsewhere. I suppose I will gradually return to Joeing as I find a new niche in my time schedule....but for now I am going to enjoy having my sleep disturbed every morning and staying up late.