a place to put random discourses on life
lifehappens's Articles In Current Events » Page 2
December 8, 2005 by lifehappens
When I heard that the American Athieists are suing Utah over crosses marking the spots where HP have died in the line of duty, I was floored. We are not talking about an athiest sueing because a family member was memorializd with a cross....no, they are concerned that a non-christian may be offended to see the cross and blah blah blah.... I'm astounded. I'M OFFENDED! Maybe I should sue them.... Anyway, here is a bit of background on this case and the overused phrase...."separation of c...
November 18, 2005 by lifehappens
So for those who have seen my icon in the forums....it is a pair of fishnet clad legs (mine) Yup, that's right, I have the strange urge to join other scantilly clad women in dancing on tables. Okay, maybe it isn't so shocking if you know me... Anyway, every year Fort Hood has a big community fundraiser in the guise of the old west. Wild West Night has gambling, autions, live music etc etc. all in the guise of raising money for community events, schools and other worthwile causes. An...
November 8, 2005 by lifehappens
With all the discussion of the riots in France, I have seen a few sides. 1) It's their own fault for being French. Burn Baby Burn. 2) It's their own fault for letting so many Muslims into France. Burn Baby Burn. 3) It's their own fault that they let so many Muslims into Fance and then forced them to act French. No wonder it's happening. (Burn Baby Burn seems optional on this one) I will withhold my opinion on the BBB option, but I do want to throw something out there. Muslims W...
October 4, 2005 by lifehappens
Once apon a time, some children were abused. Dad hurt them and Mom made them cry. Someone called CPS and a nice lady went out to talk to mom and dad. Dad said, "Everything's fine. See the food." Mom said, "I love my kids" They said, "you can't come in without a warrent, but you can see the kids are fine. All these people say so." The lady goes away. No proof, no warrent. "I guess it's okay." she says. "I'll leave them alone." Later, the kids were hurt some more. Then one ...
October 3, 2005 by lifehappens
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
September 10, 2005 by lifehappens
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
August 15, 2005 by lifehappens
Dharma started the idea that led to this thread... Link The article was about "Faces of Meth". SPC NBS added a comment about the dental side of the story and included this link... Link That got me thinking. Why are we paying for complete dental work on drug addicts and criminals? They get free food, housing, cable and job training in most cases. This seems backwards. Why are soldiers, dependents, retirees and thier spouses being forced to pay for the same services that are j...
August 10, 2005 by lifehappens
A man in Korea died after quitting his job to "play more video games". He played for 50 hours, stopping only to go to the bathroom occasionally. When a friend convinced him to stop, he promised he would "after this last game". Minutes later he died. Link I know this is dumb and I know that we could make tons of hillarious (yet non PC) jokes at his expense. I onlly have one question..... If you had to go via a similarly brain numbing route....how would you do it? Would you Mari...
August 8, 2005 by lifehappens
I just wanted to announce to everyone that today is Angela Marie's Birthday! You can check out her site at Link Happy birthday!
July 28, 2005 by lifehappens
After the recent flury of responses, (thank you!!) on my last article on parental notification in minor's seeking an abortion. Link I decided to put another question to the test. Do parents have the right to force a minor to carry a pregnancy to term rather than get an abortion? Please assume for simplicity that the girl made a poor decision and was not molested or abused. The parents are perfectly competent parents and there is no reason to remove the child legally.
July 27, 2005 by lifehappens
I got thinking about this topic after hearing a NOW rep on the radio blabbering on about how Roberts could potentially destroy the Roe vs Wade ruling and how that would set reproductive rights back 100's of years. She emphasised how allowing state legislation to decide the issue could put children in danger by requiring parental notification. Let me start off by saying, I don't personally approve of abortion, especially as a contraceptive method. I understand there are exceptions, rape, ...
July 23, 2005 by lifehappens
After years and years of waiting....HW is finally getting the recognition that he deserves....or at least more money. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, HW is getting promoted. Hoooah! E-6 has been a long time coming and on 1 Aug, he finally gets to pin it on. Congrats sweetie! I love ya!
July 22, 2005 by lifehappens
Draginol recently posted an article about file-swapping, Kazza. Rather than hijack his thread, I decided to post my lengthy thoughts here. I agree that stealing is stealing. It doesn't matter if you walk out of the store with a box or download a program from the internet. No arguments there. That being said, I am publicly confessing. I have used LimeWire, Kazza and pirated copies of various programs throughout the years. I am guilty . I have stolen ideas from other people's we...
July 18, 2005 by lifehappens
So HW convinced me (without too much effort) to go get the newest Harry Potter Book at midnight. Only one place in town was doing the midnight party, so we headed over to Hastings. (HW abhors Walmart, so this was the only options) We showed up at midnight, not realizing some people had waited since 9:30! Dharma wasn't the only one witnessing stupidity and greediness over a book. There were 2 lines, one for prepaid and one for shlubs like us who just decided to get up at midnight and g...
July 5, 2005 by lifehappens
The recent wave of eminent domain issues in Arlington over the new stadium for the Cowboys has me pondering. 1 - Why are we paying for a stadium that houses a PRIVATE team? We pay for it, but the profit goes to an individual...not those who paid for it. It's estimated that it will cost $650 million to build. The Dallas Cowboy's owner Jerry Jones will get a big chunk of money from the hikes in city sales tax ($.05 increase), hotel occupancy tax (2%), and car rental tax (5%). You can...