File Swapping isn't as bad as wife swapping!
Draginol recently posted an article about file-swapping, Kazza. Rather than hijack his thread, I decided to post my lengthy thoughts here.
I agree that stealing is stealing. It doesn't matter if you walk out of the store with a box or download a program from the internet. No arguments there.
That being said, I am publicly confessing. I have used LimeWire, Kazza and pirated copies of various programs throughout the years. I am guilty. I have stolen ideas from other people's websites, by copying the codes and using them myself. I have used software, copied Disney movies (for my own use), copied tapes, downloaded music, burned CDs and more....all because I was too selfish to be honest.
I could try to justify my guilt by saying, I was just "checking the music out" and that I would buy some songs later on. But honestly, I would listen to a song for a week or two and then discard it. But by doing that, I'm still stealing.
I could try to justify my guilt by saying, "I was just watching tv shows that I missed." I didn't pay for premium cable and I don't intend on paying an extra $80 for one show. I did rent it from blockbuster, but Season 2 wasn't out I downloaded it from Kazza. It's still stealing. I didn't pay for it.
I could try to justify my guilt by saying, "She had to load a program so they could finish a project on my computer (her's crashed)....but I left it on my computer and continued to use it. That's illegal.
I could try to justify my guilt by saying, "I just used my friend's copy of Photoshop to see if I liked it." But it wasn't honest to do that. (I did eventually buy it) It was still stealing.
I could try to justify my guilt by saying, I just used the trial copy of WindowBlinds indefinetely. Oh, wait, I AM still using the trial copy and it's LEGAL. I still feel a little guilty for not buying it. but I am broke and I can't afford it right now. BUT thanks to the smart guys over at WinCustomize. I have a FREE trial copy that I can use it indefinetely. A lot of the features that look really cool are disabled until I pay for it, but that's okay. The longer I use it and test it, the more likely I am to buy it (which I plan to)
I know that pirating stuff is wrong. I'm not stupid. I've justified it in the past but Draginol has made a good point that people tend to ignore. They change the subject or point fingers at "the system" but the fact remains....Stealing is wrong. It was wrong in the 80s when your buddy made a mixed tape for you. It was wrong in the 90s when you bought a pirated DVD and it is wrong when you download pirated material now.
On the other side, we have WinZip trial version and the free WindowBlinds. It allows casual users the chance to test it out, legally. I sacrifice the high-end cool features for the chance to play around with it, but I don't have to steal to do it. Maybe other companies would have more success if they followed this lead. MS is now offering free trial versions of Office etc. The trials are time based instead of feature based, so maybe that will not encourage honesty. Someone who has used a program for 90 days may not want to run out and give someone $300 for the privilage of using the same stuff. But paying to get features enabled? Maybe that will work. But I doubt it.
It boils down to this. Stealing is wrong. Excuses don't change the truth. Stealing is wrong. People won't stop being dishonest, but that doesn't mean you should do it too. Because... (repeat after me....) STEALING IS WRONG.