For those who have not been following the recent events in Russia, there is a very good article written here, by a fellow blogger. Link Read it. Be upset. Think of YOUR children or nieces and nephews on their first day of school. Think of how YOU would feel and the anger you would have over this if it was the school down the street. When I first heard about this, I was in shock. As a mother, I was horrified to think of what these children suffered. What kind of person could be so...
There have been several articles written that made me start thinking about what defines poverty, poor etc. To give credit where it is due, check out Dharmagirl and Little_whips' articles. Link Link When I was a kid, I thought I was poor. We lived in, no kidding, a tar-paper shack. I was embarassed by my home and rarely brought anyone to my house unless I was really good friends with them. I din't have many of the things that I wanted. My parents were in a messy divorce and my mo...
Link In the above link, there is a an article about how the "parental rights" of rapists is being challenged. As the law stands now, many victims of rape find themselves trapped between a rock and a hard place. If they opt to not to abort the child and instead give the baby up for adoption, they must have the biological father (a rapist) give up his parental rights. Unfortunately, many women are again once being held against their will by the one who originally assaulted them. Th...
By ELLIOTT MINOR, Associated Press Writer SYLVESTER, Ga. - A 59-year-old great-grandmother is pregnant with twins and will deliver next month, three decades after she had her tubes tied. "They came untied," Frances Harris said Thursday. The multiple birth Dec. 21 would break the purported record set this week by a 56-year-old New York City mother of twins. Harris, of rural Sylvester, Ga., said she wasn't trying to get pregnant — and didn't realize she was — until...
I was flipping through the channels and happened to catch the newest reality show on Fox.....Nanny 911. The idea sounds interesting....a nanny helps parents deal with children who are having behavior problems. Since I am currently dealing with a child in the throws of terrible twos, I thought, "What a fantastic idea! Maybe I could get some tips for dealing with MY son." I was shocked. What I didn't realize was that the adults on the show were not REAL parents. How could they be? Her...
Since I have too much respect for Greywar to hijack his thread, I figured that I would rant a bit on my own time. In a recent article about pathetic leadership in the military, there was a comment about how... [quote]i immediately wondered how much of that attitude flows outta the administration's insistence on keeping the president away from dover, the embargo on pictures of the caskets of those who died in iraq and amazingly scant coverage (including very vague stats) of injured milita...
I got thinking about this topic after hearing a NOW rep on the radio blabbering on about how Roberts could potentially destroy the Roe vs Wade ruling and how that would set reproductive rights back 100's of years. She emphasised how allowing state legislation to decide the issue could put children in danger by requiring parental notification. Let me start off by saying, I don't personally approve of abortion, especially as a contraceptive method. I understand there are exceptions, rape, ...
The recent wave of eminent domain issues in Arlington over the new stadium for the Cowboys has me pondering. 1 - Why are we paying for a stadium that houses a PRIVATE team? We pay for it, but the profit goes to an individual...not those who paid for it. It's estimated that it will cost $650 million to build. The Dallas Cowboy's owner Jerry Jones will get a big chunk of money from the hikes in city sales tax ($.05 increase), hotel occupancy tax (2%), and car rental tax (5%). You can...
I don't normally post reprints, but LaShawn Barber wrote this and I only wish I could have said it first! 06.14.05 Anti-Lynching Legislation A liberal commenter wanted to know what I thought about yesterday’s Senate debate on the failure to pass anti-lynching laws 100 years ago: The resolution is the first apology by Congress on the nation’s past deeds of “terrorism” against blacks, but senators said it was important to note that American Indians, Italians, Mexicans and Americans ...
After a typical Army delay....HW was reunited with his family late last night! Details to follow....but for now, I just want to be with my sweetie!
My friend's 12 year old daughter was given a reward today in Science class. She is in 8th grade and 12 years old. What do you think the reward for doing well on the test was? Candy? No. Less homework? Not that either. A movie..."Saw" Link If you haven't seen this movie, I have heard that you probably don't want to. Disturbing images of gruesome death, dismemberment, violence etc. etc. I rented it for the school board to review during a meeting tomorrow and printed up severa...
This article Link brought to mind an article I wrote before about abortion. When does a baby deserve the right to live? 40 weeks gestation? What if they can be considered "viable" and have a chance for survival at say...26 weeks? I still don't think that anything could personnally make me want to get an abortion myself. I waited, miserable with fear that I couldn't have children, for nearly 3 years before I had my first child. But, I've never been pregnant after a rape.... I can...
A Michigan Company, Weyco INC. has instituted a NO SMOKING rule. So what's the big deal? They insist that their employees are 100% no smoking, even at home or when off work. 4 employees were fired after refusing a test that would detect whether they had been smoking. see link here. Link Wow. As I am a non-smoker, I have no problems with this rule personally, but I can see a BIG lawsuit in the future. People claiming that they have the RIGHT to participate in a legal activity and t...
According to a BBC television poll found that 45 percent of 4000 questioned have never heard of the Auschwitz concentration camp in southern Poland. This is right before the 60th anniversary of the liberation of said camp. I find that statistic shocking. Does this mean that people don't care to remember history? Does it mean that history has been changed to present a more politically correct image? (After all, Germans are just fun loving people who drink beer, always have always...
Promises from Hyperborean Wanderer to post a new article..... see here for updates......coming soon! Link