a place to put random discourses on life
lifehappens's Articles In Home & Family » Page 5
December 4, 2004 by lifehappens
My mother in law called and asked me what I want for Christmas. I didn't know what to say. I don't want kitchen stuff (kitchen is too small) i don't want knickknacks (house is too small) I don't need anymore scrapbooks supplies (house is too small, but I'm sure I can make room) I don't really watch movies. I only read the books my husband buys....I never have time to find a book. I don't want clothes...I NEED some that fit, but I don't want to get too comfortable in this size. I'd l...
November 30, 2004 by lifehappens
Does anyone have kids that wake up at night crying? My son has been doing this for quite some time now and while they don't usually seem bad enough to be "night terrors" he occasionally does have a bad episode. I'm not sure why he is doing this or even if it normal. He is too young to explain what is wrong so most of the time I dont' know why he is up and crying. Occasionally he will tell me something happened and it is ussually something that bothered him durring the previous week or ...
November 29, 2004 by lifehappens
I'm thinking of skipping Christmas. Not completely, I do have a tree up with lights on, no decorations though. I have a nativity set up too. But that's it. I think I am done. I dont' want to decorate the tree. I don't want to wrap presents. I dont' want to mail out the dozens of cards that I hand-made and even pre-addressed and stamped. I don't want to hang stockings or give gifts. I don't want to hear Christmas music or make cookies for my neighbors. I just dont' want to do ...
November 14, 2004 by lifehappens
I'm up in the middle of the night because I'm at the point where I just can't get comfortable anymore. The house is quiet and my husband has been home for less than 12 hours. My son wakes up and calls from the other room, "MOMMY, DADDY, MOMMY, DADDY". I was right here on the computer, so I was able to get to him before he woke up all the way. I never did figure out what woke him up or why he was crying, but I will never forget that he is already calling for his Daddy. I can't explain...
October 11, 2004 by lifehappens
So after a very long and tiring day, I am resting on the couch. My almost 2 1/2 year old son is playing happily with his toys, which I am so grateful for. I just need 15 min to rest before I make dinner......At this point, I have no idea what I am in for. ***minor segue here....I was a normal child. I would like to think that I was no more destructive, violent, hyper, obnoxious at any age than other kids. I don't remember being a brat, so therefore I would hope that I was not. However...