A friend of mine started a conversation about doctrinal details with me. We both agree on the basic essentials of Christianity and salvation if you get it down to the bare bones.....but there are lots of details that are not agreed on or understood by many people. We had a wonderful discussion about many different topics...baptism, validity of the bible, parables, etc etc Niether one of us was vindictive or trying to push our opinion on the other. We were just trying to understand other p...
In a recent article about religious zelots who are critical and judgemental of others, I realized that there needs to be a distinction made between those of faith and those who use thier faith to persecute and those who use it for the good of others. This sparked a few thoughts on the subject matter. So hang with me as I see where this leads..... I've been practicing Yoga for several years now. i practice primarily for the physical benifits. I used to always preface my classes by tell...
BlueDev wrote an article here and it started me thinking about something in my own life. It's been percolating in the back of my head for a while, so HW don't jump to any conclusions...nothing happened. To sum it up for those too lazy to go read his stuff, he is announcing the return of his brother from the mission field. Latter day Saints, or Mormons as we are commonly called, ask that every member serve. Those who meet the criteria and feel the desire can serve full time for 2 years...