a place to put random discourses on life
Adventures in Mommyhood....
Published on July 9, 2005 By lifehappens In Home & Family
Boy was pottytrained (finally) when HW came home from Iraq. All said, not so bad. Just a few accidents, but fairly painless.

...Until today.

For the last week or two, he will start doing the "potty dance". All parents know this one. The child starts spazing out, hopping from one foot to the other and/or running back and forth. Our son has perfected this. He looks like he is on speed when he needs to pee.

It starts slow. He will start bouncing and start looking around as though something is going to attack.

In which case, we tell him "go pee". He then dashes for the bathroom, only to return with a twitch in one eye and a jerking to his arms and legs. He is now making a soft moaning sound and tearing up.

At this point, we tell him "Go Pee!" He breaks for the bathroom and this time only makes it two feet before he turns around and starts hopping up and down.

GO PEE! Followed closely by one of us standing up and escorting him to the bathroom before he explodes....at this point, it seems a definete possibility. We continue the mantra while blocking the door so he can't run in circles anymore. He usually only needs two or three reminders as to what needs to happen at this point. At which point, he pees like a russian racehorse for about 3 minutes straight.

*The strange thing is...two weeks ago, he never even needed to tell us....he would just go on his own."*

So today, I was distracted and I missed the cue to stand up and forcibly shove him in the bathroom. My concentration was broken when I heard sobbing and thumping coming from the bathroom. I jumped up, "JUST GO PEE!". I don't think he heard me at that point. He was that upset by the sudden urge to flood the house. He finally got his underroos off in time to start peeing on the floor.

I'm not willing to clean up a big nasty mess so I dashed in and held him over the toilet. Most of it made it. Unfortunately, he peed on my foot. Yeeeechhhh.

I tried not to make a big deal of it. He cleaned it up and put on new SpiderMan underroos. sigh.

WHY?!?!?! I can't decide if his brain short-circuits when the fluid levels get too high or if he is subconsciously trying to get attention. Delayed reaction to a sibling?"

on Jul 09, 2005
This is so funny and so universal. My husband and I are coaching 5 and 6 year olds in baseball. During a game it never fails that at least 3 of them start doing the potty dance. They have to use one of those port-a-potties because the "real" restrooms are under construction and they think that is the best. It is so gross....Some love the potty and some find a tree, not so discreetly and play fireman as they are peeing. I believe they think no one can see them.
on Jul 09, 2005
Rub his nose in it and swat him with a rolled up newspaper.
on Jul 10, 2005
Some love the potty and some find a tree, not so discreetly and play fireman as they are peeing.

Little boys are crazy!

Rub his nose in it and swat him with a rolled up newspaper.

on Jul 12, 2005
This one had me going ! My three year old does this too, and she's also been potty trained. I have no idea why they do it! But the dance is amusing !