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a blog about nothing....mostly
a place to put random discourses on life
Do it yourself Surgery
not that big of a deal.
Published on June 18, 2005 By
that I blog this. I think he is trying to get me back in the habit of writing. I have a hard time sitting still long enough to think of topics, much less flesh out a full joe. He, on the other hand, will write a blog and then reread it, edit it, save it and redo it all the next day....
All that aside, this joe is about a little home surgery....It had to be done and I didn't have the time or patience to wait for someone else to take care of it.
Our sweet baby girl has a baby Snoopy that was given to her by HW's mom. It's the perfect size for her to cuddle and she loves the texture. It's light and small so I don't have to worry about her trying to suffocate herself with it. (Bad habit on her part.She likes to put things over her face ..still trying to break that one)
The only problem? It has a small, but noisy rattle inside. Cuddling it helps her fall asleep. I have tried to take it out of her arms after she falls asleep, but she clings so tightly that pulling on it wakes her up. If I don't take it away, she shifts in her sleep and is scared half to death by the rattle.
So the only solution is a "rattle-ectomy" That's right, I ripped that bad boy apart and removed that obnoxious noise. Then a few stitches and the scar was hardly noticeable. Ta-Da
Ha Ha. There you go. That's it. The End.
***There it is HW. I don't know why you thought anyone would be interested in the little stuff in my life. It hardly seems worth writing about, but it does feel good to get my mind focused on something.***
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Cuddles, Sex and a Rocking Horse
on Jun 18, 2005
Always glad to hear of successful surgery in the field. Take that Hawkeye!! ;~D
Actually your little tale of noses reminded me of when my mother ran a "doll hospital" from our house. Apparently their used to be a lot of women that ran them, but I guess they went the way of the House Call. ;~D
Thanks for sharing this "not that big a deal" story. It was cute. ;~D
on Jun 18, 2005
Hehehe....I've done much the same thing. I've removed noise makers from Elmo's and Eeyore's because they kept going off and getting on my last nerve!
on Jun 18, 2005
Glad you enjoyed it ParaTed.
I've removed noise makers from Elmo's and Eeyore's because they kept going off and getting on my last nerve!
I forgot aobut this until I read your comment. My son had a Elmo Clock that would play the first line of "Seseme Street" over and over. One day, I stuck it in the garage so he would quit turning it on. That night, I awoke to the music echoing in the garage and somehow being amplified into my room! I was so tired that I couldn't get the switch to stay in the off position, so I beat it on the ground until it stopped playing.
Surgery is less messy.
on Jun 18, 2005
Thanks! It WAS worth writing about. You got a hearty laugh out of me. Rattle-ectomy!
on Jun 18, 2005
i've never removed anything from a toy, but i have done some emergency repair surgery. i had to fix a stuffed spiderman once. my boy watched nervously over my shoulder, and when it was all done he was so happy that
felt like the superhero!
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