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a blog about nothing....mostly
a place to put random discourses on life
Discourses of a Two year old at 0630
Published on March 17, 2005 By
Home & Family
It is facinating to listen to a child...especially one with the attention span of a gnat!
This morning I woke up and was headed to the computer to check my email before the kids woke up and I noticed that my son's bedroom light was on. He was halfway through getting dressed in his favorite spiderman outfit. This is fantastic because he can get dressed by himself...I suspected that he could do it and was happy to see he finally caught on to the idea that Mom doesnt' have to do everything! Of course he spots me through the open door and that's when it starts...
"Mom. I am Spiderman! See? I am the favorite superhero! Where is my spiderman car? Is it under here? Do you know? Please find my Spiderman car mommy."
"I don't know where it is. YOU have to find it, because that's YOUR job."
"Oh, okay." He goes to look under the dresser. " I think he was under here...going really fast." He explains. Then he wanders over to look by his bed. "Hmmmmm" he scratches his head as he thinks. "OH! Puppy is awake! good morning puppy! How are you?" He hugs his stuffed puppy for a second and we sit on the bed to cuddle. "See, Mommy, puppy is awake. You have to give him a hug too." "There is my piggybank. I have a bouncy ball in there. I put it in the hole"
"Did you know that Dad is coming home?"
I try to get his mind to focus on the impending arrival of his Dad in a matter of days. (Insert by big grin here)
"M-oooo-mmmmmm." Click click click of rolling eyes. "Dad's at the Or-port on the ORPLANE." It's a perfect impression of an exasperated teenager trying to explain the world to their parents....
"Do you see my clouds? The are my FAVORITE!"
"Dad made those clouds for you." (HW painted them on the walls)
"They are finished. Puppy likes clouds. See my star?" (Star hanging from the fan pull cord) "I have a butterfly superhero."
That last part through me for a second until I realized the fan blades have a design that could look like a butterfly....and it spins really fast so therefore....it must be a superhero butterfly.
"Spiderman is a hero. i like Playtown. Come on. Come on with me. I want to play Playtown yesterday." (Playtown is his name for a kids show called Lazytown about kids who play all the time)
At this point my mind is spinning because that train of thought....all of about 2 minutes for all of it. I suggest breakfast and that opens a whole new can of worms.....we debate the merits of "square cereal, circle cereal and oatmeal" for a few minutes before I decide we are never going to come to a solution and I make oatmeal. BTW, any parent can tell you that I was refering to Life and Cherrios!
So there is my son and his mind as they wander around. I wonder if my short attention span resulted in his...what a crazy thing to hand down to our kids......
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on Mar 17, 2005
Bless his heart! It's amazing how fast their minds work isn't it? I think boys do that though. They think about so many things all at once, makes you wonder if you did something to make that happen! Believe me, I've thought this way at times about my son. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, he's just into his spiderman and his cereals!
Wow, counting the days for HW's arrival uh! I know you guys are so excited and I'm excited for you too.
on Mar 17, 2005
Nobody's Lazy in Lazytown !!!!
Long live Sportacus!!!!!!
I have 3 kids.!!!!!!!
on Mar 17, 2005
It is really amazing what goes through their heads, isn't it? Fun blog LH.
on Mar 17, 2005
He's just adorable, LH!!! I wish I could be a fly on the wall when he and his dad get to hang out together after HW gets home....
I'm so, so happy for you that this is almost over....
on Mar 17, 2005
That is so adorable! I am happy that HW comes home soon.
I have a sneaky suspicion that what you just described is something that will happen to me when I have kids. my random thought processes i am sure will pass down to my kids. lol!
on Mar 17, 2005
Forever....Counting hours now.....
Can't tell you how many but it's few enough that I can do the math in my head.....
Infogeek....you know you have kids when you don't know who is singing the song on the radio, but you can correctly ID the TV show after only 3 seconds.......
BlueDev...This is jsut the stuff that leaks out of thier heads....I wonder what else is in there floating around!
Thanks for the good wishes on HW's return Dharma and Panthercuz. i can't wait! I think HW and Connor will have a blast together!
Panthercuz-I know your kids will get the habits that drive you nuts! It's kind of a law of nature. Good luck though!
on Mar 18, 2005
Hehe, i really enjoyed this article lifehappens! It's really interesting to hear what kids have to say, but it surely is exhausting to try and keep up with their logic! Hehe!
Have a good one when you're man is back!
on Mar 26, 2005
This is jsut the stuff that leaks out of thier heads....I wonder what else is in there floating around!
So completely funny! Extra-amazing that you remembered all of his random comments until you got a chance to blog 'em. I wish I could remember half the things that are worthy of recording. Welcome home HW! So you won't be reading my comment for a while...you'll be *busy*
Happy HAPPY!
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