Today at breakfast, my son looks up from his oatmeal and says,
"Mommy, I'm a dolphin."
He then goes back to his oatmeal, leaving me a little surprised. I've never heard him pretend to be a fish or dolphin before. Although, to be perfectly honest, I often find myself mildly amused and surprised at what he tells me. He often tells me strange things at breakfast; I think he is trying to explain his dreams.
He looks up again. "I splash." Slight pause and then, to clarify (as though I may not understand), "in the water." Another bite. "And in the waterfall." He goes back to breakfast.
"That's really cool, sweetie." I think this must have something to do with the gallons of water on the bathroom floor from the bath the night before.
Suddenly he looks up and says excitedly, in a rush with no breath, "There is a treasure chest and pirates! They are piggies. And pirates have a ship. Diego finds the treasure."
Ahhh. I suddenly understand. He had been dreaming about Dora again. For those of you who do not have 2 year olds obsessed with this cartoon character, you may never understand a two year old or how they come up iwth the crazy things they do. His life revolves around Dora the Explorer. I think that he was in love with her for a while because he would get very angry if any other boy characters talked to her. THAT was hillarious. But now he has decided that her cousin Diego is okay. Probably because he found the treasure. What a crazy boy.