a place to put random discourses on life
Published on December 15, 2004 By lifehappens In Blogging
Farewell for the holidays! Adiós. Au revoir. Auf Wiedersehen. Arrivederci. Auspe Spumante. さようなら. 안녕. goodbye.

I am off to visit the technological wasteland of *shock* *horror* NO INTERNET ACCESS FOR THREE WEEKS!!! I may die. That or overcome my Joe addiction.

This blog will be fast because I *should* be getting ready to leave in 45 min, but instead of getting my kids up or making breakfast or even cleaning, I once again am scrounging up every last minute to be here instead.

My brother is addicted to a game....Everquest. He ignores his family and neglects home responsibilities in favor of an online gaming community. Therefore, we refer to his addiction as EverCrack.

With every post read and every article written, I draw closer to my chosen addiction. I can turn down drugs no problem. Cigarettes? Beer? I just don't care. Chocolote, caffeine, or soap operas? Not interested. But with Joe User I am sliding down the slipppery slide of complete NEED. I know that withdrawal froom EverJoe will be difficult. Fortunately, my other addiction, scrapbooking will fill the void....

And when I return to EverJoe, i plan on picking up my habit once again!

on Dec 15, 2004
Have a happy christmas
on Dec 15, 2004
Have a wonderful time off. Enjoy yourself, be safe, and I hope the withdrawal symptoms aren't too much to bear! Merry Christmas.
on Dec 15, 2004
Bonne Noel!
on Dec 19, 2004
This would be why you didn't answer your phone when I called earlier. *sigh* I had finally gotten the courage up to call, after weeks of neglect.
Your littlest one has a present waiting with us after you get back. I'm sorry that we hadn't gotten out to see you sooner.