Sleep is a good thing, so why do I neglect it?
So I am sitting up at 11 am feeling as though it is 6 That's not the way to put it. I'm sitting here feeeling sluggish, lazy and unable( or maybe just unwilling) to move. This is not a usual state of being for me...even at 6 months pregnant.
I learned at a young age that sleep is good. Sleep is important. One of the most important things I will do all day. Why? For the simple reason that I get nothing done if I am tired. Conversely, with a decent 8 hours of sleep, I often accomplish more than thought humanly possible by 9 am.
So why after 26 years of knowing the incredible value of sleep, do I allow myself to be sucked back into my friend's personnal madness. Here is a wonderful person who stays up until three or four in the morning finishing projects or whatever. Then she is so exhausted, her next day is spent sleeping till noon or two and the whole cycle starts over again. I know this is how she functions, although I can't imagine how she drags herself to work after an all nighter.
I have seen it happen and most of the time, I avoid doing this. I just go home. or crash on the couch. But, this time we are at my house. I'm not uncomfortable with the idea of crashing while she's there. Even though the logic portion of my mind realized the consequenses of my actions and I knew that I could crash or that she would leave if I asked, I was enjoying the adult company......and at 3 am when we finally went to sleep, I knew in my mind that the next day would be shot.
So here it is, the next day. I'm at the tired point where I can move, but not really accomplish anything. I have a 2 year old so I couldn't sleep past 7:15 and I can't take a nap....and even if i could I HATE TO DO THAT. It feels like I am wasting the day, squandering the time I should be using in some sort of productive manner. *Sigh*
I know that when alcohol is involved, people tend to do things they regret, but what about the other little stupid habbits that you can't break...and then you kick yourself for the next day? I'm curious whether other people allow themselves to do things that they KNOW they will regret, but keep doing it anyway. So tell me your dirty little secret....