a place to put random discourses on life
A Stone's Valentine Surprise
Published on February 14, 2008 By lifehappens In Misc
So all week long, my DH, the wanderer himself, has been an the verge of being giddy. That's right. Giddy. He has bailed out on an awful lot of V-days in the past and he had cooked up something amazing for me. He was obviously very proud of himself because he kept mentioning how I was going to get something "sparkly".

Anyone who knows me knows that while I will wear jewlery, I am notorious for having chains break or earings fall out.....usually in direct relationship to the cost of the item in question. So I didnt' really expect a diamond, but I had dropped hints about wanting a 50mm prime lens several times.....

Last night I was ready for bed but he kept stalling, finally I realized he was waiting for midnight so he could say "Happy Valentine's Day." I figured he would save the surprise for later, but was I wrong! He dashed into the garage and came back with a huge box........

Check it out! Isn't it fantastic? I've said it would be nice to have a bigger monitor and I've drooled but since my old one was fine, I didn't ever really consider an upgrade. I didn't know how much I wanted it till it was in my arms.....and now that I'm using said 22 inch widescreen monitor, let me tell you....I FREAKING LOVE IT! Size DOES matter.....my old monitor (not to shabby in itself is on the left for comparison)

Valentine's Day Suprise!

So to all you poor chicks who just got chocolote and roses......HA! HA! My husband rocks! As one woman pointed out....flowers die, but I'll look at that monitor every day and remember how much he loves me and how he took the time to figure out the perfect gift that I would have NEVER thought to buy for myself. (Plus he gets cool points for not just buying the first one he saw.....he told me how he shopped around and researched to get the right one! extra cool points!)

All I have to say is....
Thank you Matt!

on Feb 14, 2008
If your going to get a 50 mm prime lens, I really recommend getting a compact macro. You have a Canon system? I don't know if Nikon has an equivalent but if they do, it is so worth it.

the 50 mm prime is about $50-70 and unfortunately, the 50mm compact macro is about $230(?) but it is an amazing lens. Super sharp and you can do so much with it.
on Feb 14, 2008
I can't tell you how glad I am for the two of you that you are reunited for this holiday... heck, for all the days so far.

Happy Valentine's Day to you both.
on Feb 15, 2008
Momjiki, I'm looking at the 55 mm 1.4/f (or maybe I'll get the 1.8/f cause it's cheaper) for the Nikon....

J. We are so happy that he is home...when are you going to be in town? Let us know!
on Feb 17, 2008

When it comes to monitors, yes size really does matter!  I have a 24 inch at work, and my next one at home is going to be 24 inches as well.

Congratulations and what a great monitor!