a place to put random discourses on life
That's right ladies and gents! HW is on his way...eventually.
Published on January 13, 2008 By lifehappens In Current Events
So while HW isn't home yet, the big push of 1st Cav Soldiers is going on. Every day there are new flights of soldiers reuniting with their families. I spent my Sunday morning helping a few people welcome loved ones home.

Even though it wasn't my reunion, I have such strong emotions when they announce "Welcome Home!" and the buses pull up. I confess, even thinking about it can make me tear up. *note to self: buy waterproof mascara for the next flight!*

Anyway, here are a few shots.

This is probably one of the best visual reminders of how much and how long families have sacrificed during this 15 month deployment. This precious little boy was born only days after the unit left in 2006.

on Jan 13, 2008
Wow. Yeah, wow.

When he does get in, it would be cool if you or he dropped me a note. I'd love to invite myself over for a visit.
on Jan 14, 2008
Good camera work, kiddo. You are staying busy...I hope the time goes by quick til his home....then real slow.
on Jan 14, 2008
Nice pics, LH. I especially love the first one.

It was really hard for me to see other guys coming home when it was close to Adrian's turn. You handle it far more gracefully than I do.

And I hear you about the crying. Reading this post and seeing the pictures was enough to do it for me. Those are some POWERFUL emotions.

I can't wait to see pics of your family reunited.

on Jan 14, 2008
I can't wait to see pics of your family reunited.

me either! I already asked someone to be there for my reunion. I hope she can make it!
on Jan 14, 2008
Give my best to Fort Hood's finest.
on Jan 14, 2008
Great pics!  And hope to see HW in one soon!