a place to put random discourses on life
Published on December 13, 2007 By lifehappens In Professional Work
These are some of the reasons that I have not been around Joeuser lately. I decided to launch my Photography business.....Photos of the Heart. So here are a few.
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and 'cause I have to post pics of my kids....One day I will get them to hold still for real pics....

on Dec 15, 2007
on Dec 15, 2007
Wow. The pictures in the slide show are amazing! Great work. (and your kids are gorgeous as always -- I love Maddie's shoes!!)
on Dec 15, 2007
So ya'll think I"m not crazy for charging people and trying to make this a semi-official, side job?
on Dec 15, 2007
So ya'll think I"m not crazy for charging people and trying to make this a semi-official, side job

Your pictures are good - and others charge for lower quality.
on Dec 15, 2007
LH, would you be willing to do our family pictures once we get settled at Ft Hood? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your stuff!!
on Dec 16, 2007
I would LOVE to take your pics! You have a great lookin' familly!
on Dec 18, 2007
I can't view the slide show but the pics are very nice on your site here! You've always taken really great pictures so good call!