How I managed NOT to study
The internet is a great force. It can be used for good (as in using digital flashcards to help me prep for my history test) and not so good (when it's distracting me from using said cards). BUt no fear. I aced the test 100% woo hoo!
And in celebration, here are a few of the random things that tore me away from what I *should* be doing.
Email....did HW write?
IM....did HW message me?
Flickr.....any new challenges or ideas?
And then there are the odd ones.
LinkVideo of making art with LOTS of oreo cookies. (my fav of his is the Sand Art.)
Link Get a free car...only a few strings attached...would I really want to drive a Midol car around?
LinkPeep Research - Will a yummy marshmallow bird drown? Or should you use something H2SO4?
and the most time consuming but compelling of all.....
This one is a site posted by a biker who likes to ride through Chernobyl's "dead zone". Lots of pics and info there. Just amazing stuff. I remember when it happened, but I was just a kid and I didn't really understand what was going on. But I do remember the tension.
Anyway, random stuff if you want to waste time.