a place to put random discourses on life
Published on August 20, 2007 By lifehappens In Blogging
So yeah, I'm barely halfway through the day and this is my life.

I'm queen of short term memory, Princess of forgetfulness and mother of all that is insanity.

I'm already frustrated this morning. I had a dr. apt and he completely ignored what I had to say, prescribing me sleeping pills even though I TOLD him that I didn't want them. He said, "You are just overly concerned about your husband's deployment and that can effect your health..." GRRRR. I left the exam room and immediately spaced on the fact that I was supposed to get blood drawn. I didnt' remember until I was 15 min away almost at the sitters. I got my kids and ended up back at the clinic to get the blood work done. Sigh.

My buddy spaced on me and decided not to go shopping. I just want one cute something to wear to the airport as I get my DH. I haven't seen him in 10 months and I'd like to look nice but after the dealio at the dr, I'm exhausted and need a break.

So I came home, only to discover that I forgot to turn off the water before I left. 1/2 my plants are sodden and the other half are bone dry. And I'm sure my water bill will be insane. sigh.

I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being forgetful. I'm tired.


on Aug 20, 2007
Just wear an overcoat with nothing under it. Haha.

Sorry things are suckin' today.
on Aug 20, 2007
"I'm queen of short term memory, Princess of forgetfulness and mother of all that is insanity."
"I just want one cute something to wear to the airport as I get my DH."

You'll be okay... as long as you don't forget to go to the airport to get your DH!

Very important.
on Aug 20, 2007
I just cannot begin to imagine what it is like for you spouses of those that deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan. All I can say is thank you.
on Aug 20, 2007
Just wear an overcoat with nothing under it. Haha.

Why the overcoat? After 10 months the first thing you do is make him wait some more?

This sounds less like forgetfulness and more like too much on your mind. A vacation sounds more like a proper prescription than sleeping pills. If things were only as easy and cheap as they are in The Sims 2 games. Make sure you make up for lost time when ever you can find time.

I just cannot begin to imagine what it is like for you spouses of those that deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan. All I can say is thank you.

I second that.
on Aug 20, 2007
I remember one deployment that I was so crazed when hubby was coming home that I shaved one leg and forgot to shave the other. We still laugh about that one.

I am sure you will find a beautiful outfit to wear to pick up your husband but I'm also sure that he will think you look absolutely beautiful no matter what you are wearing.

I hope you sleep well tonight and are fully rested tommorow. Tommorow will be a better day.

Check out this necklace on Etsy. Isn't it fabulous. If I had $75 extra dollars I would buy it. It's a good thought anyway even if I can't wear it around my neck.


on Aug 20, 2007
Locamama that necklace was awesome! We all need that reminder now and then.

I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being forgetful. I'm tired.

Just try to take care of yourself as best you can. Make sure you eat well, get a little exercise and sleep. Here are some tips to help you sleep better instead of taking meds: WWW Link
on Aug 20, 2007


This sounds less like forgetfulness and more like too much on your mind.

Nope. Just short term memory girl ruining my day. I'm actually diagnosed with short term memory. Stress does exacerbate the issues.....

I hope you sleep well tonight and are fully rested tommorow. Tommorow will be a better day.

Thanks...I'm off to bed. wish me luck.

Locamama that necklace was awesome!

Ditto. THX

Thanks for the links straniera. I'm doing most of that stuff already, but I'm going to work on it!

on Aug 20, 2007
I'm doing most of that stuff already, but I'm going to work on it!

Sorry, don't mean to be preachy. I need to take my own advice too. I'm working on it too.

I'm actually diagnosed with short term memory

Short term memory huh? Wish the rest of us had one of those too.
on Aug 21, 2007

Tie a string on the finger, or do what I do.  Have my stupid cell phone remind me every hour.

Goodluck with the rest of the deployment.  I agree with MM there, and cannot say it better.

on Aug 21, 2007
Tie a string on the finger, or do what I do. Have my stupid cell phone remind me every hour.

I have timers set to go off to remind me to change the laundry over....I have fewer loads ruined by mold now. (I kid you not!) I have given up carrying a notebook, I kept losing it and forgetting what I was supposed to do. Now I use my cell to call my home phone and leave a message on my answering machine!

And to MM. I somehow missed saying thanks for your support! (Dr Guy too)
on Aug 21, 2007
Ummmm, yeah, I was gonna type something here...