a place to put random discourses on life
Published on May 29, 2007 By lifehappens In Current Events

"Pictured is a student holding a self-made picket sign as part of a protest to disallow students that failed the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills exam (TAKS) from taking part in graduation ceremonies."

The same thing is happening in Killeen and I am disgusted. Why should a student who has not completed the requirements receive the honor? Yet in Killeen, they voted to allow non-graduating seniors (who failed the TAKS test) to participate in graduation ceremonies. One parent told the school board, "Tonight you can send them a message that they will remember 10 to 20 years from now. They'll be thinking about this moment," Kirkland told the school board, and was immediately met with loud applause from the audience.

WHAT?!?! We want to send the kids a message? What message would that be? Don't do the minimum required and then whine until you get what you want? or maybe we should be telling them that "You can get anything you want...not through hard work and dedication, but by complaining"? Or haw about this message.....You will never really fail because someone will be there to make sure you get what you think you deserve.

Excuse me while I go vomit.

More highlights on this issue: In Dallas, a student was quoted as saying that while she finished at the top of her class with a 3.5 grade point average, she is now blocked from graduation by failing the TAKS test. "We know we're not going to get our diplomas, but we just want to walk across the stage," Martinez said. "That's all we ask for right now."

Top of her class and she can't pass a basic skills test? She KNOWS she isn't going to graduate or get a diploma and yet, they still demand to participate?

This just detracts from the effort that the hard working students have put forth. It teaches the wrong values to our children.

Is it any wonder we have a nation of welfare junkies? I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that this is just another symptom of people demanding the things they don't deserve or qualify for. We have people demanding that marriage be redefined because they don't fit within the qualifications for marriage. There are people demanding others bear responsibility for food, clothing shelter etc. while at the same time spending their welfare checks on fake nails and crap.

I think it's pathetic that our society has progressed to such a point that children are taught that they bear no responsibility for their actions or lack thereof.

If my child was not going to graduate, then I would expect them to bear the consequences of their actions. That's not to say I don't agree with exceptions being made on an individual level. A child who is learning disabled or in a special ed program should be allowed to participate. I would even support other no-fault exceptions to allow seniors to walk without having completed all the requirements. But they would be individual cases, not a blanket reprieve from responsibility.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 29, 2007

I agree with you!  "Are" kids should meet the minimum level of competancy.  Pretending that it does not matter is just setting them up for failure in the real world.

ON a side note, if a student had gotten a 3.5 in my school district, and failed the SOL (the Virginia Version), I would fire the entire school board and get some new - competant - blood in there!

on May 29, 2007
This is what America has degenerated into. a group of whiney babies squalling till someone feeds them... never mind they can feed themselves, they want someone else to do it.
on May 29, 2007
Pandering is what it is.

It is sending a clear message to the youngsters that they can get what they want if they whine loud enough.

Love the pic LW

on May 29, 2007
i'm still wondering how one gets a 3.5 GPA and fails a "basic skills test."

something is very wrong there. i don't know where exactly, but it should be looked into.
on May 29, 2007
Martinez....hmmm. I bet she failed basic english. Is it racist of me to notice her last name?

Not racist...as you know, Texas has a large Hispanic population, so I'm sure this won't be the first time a Hispanic student gets interviewed.

Btw, there is outrage on this in our city, too. Two districts here let all of their students walk, while two others made it clear that they will "absolutely not" change their stance on this.
on May 29, 2007
I ate some chocolate so the bad taste in my mouth would go away.

I don't want the kids who didn't graduate to walk. If they're not good enough to graduate, they're the kid who marches and then breaks from it to go sit with their friend on the other side of the place, asking the person next to them to move... messing up the entire flow of graduation... then gaggles about how unfair it is that they don't get their diploma until it's been earned, during the ceremony, further disrupting it... etc. But I agree. "Let. Are kids walk?" That's the question.
on May 29, 2007
Also, one could have a high GPA in every other required subject and still not graduate. You have to earn passing grades in EVERY mandatory subject. English is a biggy

yeah, but i have a hard time believing that someone, despite any origin, could do that well grade wise and fail a basic skills test. they didn't say she failed english, and a 3.5 would suggest that failing english would be improbable. plus, i didn't see anything about her failing any classes, just this test.

but thanks for the polite reply whip.

but i got ask again,,,how does that happen? a basic skills test would be ,,,basic. 3.5 is an honor student. that doesn't add up. maybe i'm missing something, but i have a feeling it's not me missing something. it's either the test is bullshit, which is unlikely...again, a 3.5 student should be able to at least pass a basic skill test. more likely, she never earned that 3.5....or something...i dunno...it's strange.

on May 29, 2007
"More highlights on this issue: In Dallas, a student was quoted as saying that while she finished at the top of her class with a 3.5 grade point average, she is now blocked from graduation by failing the TAKS test. "We know we're not going to get our diplomas, but we just want to walk across the stage," Martinez said. "That's all we ask for right now."

Let me get this straight; she's at the top of her class, and knows she's not going to get her diploma? Am I the only one who noticed:


If she's at the top, everyone else is below, ergo, no one got a diploma!
on May 29, 2007
Does anyone know if you can really resit the exam 6 times? If so, I have absolutely no sympathy.
on May 29, 2007
Then again, the girl could be talking out her ass, too, and have nowhere near that high of a GPA. I've neither seen it verified nor disputed...yet. Give the bloggers a couple of days, I'm sure much light will be shed on the subject.

that's a possibility i wouldn't discount. i was under the impression, i guess falsely, that she really had a 3.5
on May 29, 2007
Does anyone know if you can really resit the exam 6 times?

resitance is futile, lol
on May 29, 2007
I say let all the kids who earned their diplomas walk in the ceremony and then have the kids who didn't pass march up on stage and be aknowledged for their achievements(or lack there of) as well. Broadcast them loud and clear to all the Grandmas and Grandpas in the crowd. That way every one gets to participate in Graduation and we can all go home happy.
on May 30, 2007
3.5 is top of the class? Is it a school of ignoramuses?

I hate grade inflation. It especially hurts those with the intelligence to earn those real A's, because they get lost in the shuffle, have their accomplishments obscured by the pleading masses who kiss ass and beg for lower standards so they can have A's too.

Pisses me off, people.

Pisses me off.
on May 30, 2007
3.5 isn't even an 'A' is it?

It's in between A- and B+. A- is 3.667, B+ is 3.333. "Top of the class"? Please.
on May 30, 2007
I thought 3.5 was an A, A- maybe, not a B+.

This is sad. I don't even know why terrorist are bothering wanting to kill us. We seem to be doing a great job at destroying ourselves little by little. Here is a great movie that every (who has not see it) should see. It's call Idiocracy. I can give you a funny but scary idea of what could happen if we continue to dumb down our society the way we are today. And it probably won't even take 500 years like in the movie.
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