a place to put random discourses on life
Published on May 9, 2007 By lifehappens In Blogging
Can I pout?

What if I stomp my foot on the ground?

How about I throw myself to the floor, kick and scream and wail at the top of my lungs until I am blue in the face?

Well, it works for kids, but I suppose I'm out of luck. I can whine and cry all I want but the inevitable truth will always be out there. The is nothing I can do.


I'm only *wail* 29 *whine*!!!! I refuse to grow up and "act my age". I don't care what people think. I don't care how much grey hair I have....I AM NOT GROWING UP!

But the sad and unfortunate truth is I DO have grey hair and I DON'T like it. It's so unfair. I am not ready to be old and grey. Dying my hair was a fashion statement and not because I was hiding my grey hair, but now I can either look old or pay out the nose for the rest of my life to hide the horrific truth. I'm getting older.

I'm just not ready for this. I know, I know, it's not that big of a deal. Everybody gets it...blah blah. But I'm haunted by all looming middle age. I reflect on a thought I had at 15. One of my friends' mother was 32!!! And she was OLD!!!!

As I approach 30, I am struck by my own mortality. I'm getting closer to the end of my child bearing days (35, thank you very much) and I need to think aobut having more. I always pictured myself with a lot of kids, but now I am *coughcough* 29 and not sure what I want to do. I dont' want to be a single mom, but if I don't start actively trying to get pregnant every time I see my husband....well, the time will fly and I will be out of luck. I don't even KNOW if I want more kids. I worry that I will get stressed out and be a bad mom (like my mother) I worry that I only want more kids because of the "mormon mom" image and that it's pressure I feel to compete with women at church. i worry that I will only have 2. What if we could have more kids and I wait to long and then can't have any??

I'm also more concerned over the health of my parents (actually, HW's....I like them the best so I think of them as "mine") I worry that THEY are growing older. I'm not ready to lose the family that I just gained. I'm not comfortable with the idea that time is against them. I watch the aging process in them and it scares me! I'm not ready to have THEM grow old.....and it reminds me that one day I am going to get old too. (not liking this idea)

Then it starts a loop of worry about my husband. Damn it. He isnt' allowed to die first. I can't face being old without him. (Make a note of the HW!) I don't worry about him dying in Iraq becuase that's not an option.....I just use up all my worry and frustration thinking about how I'm not ready to grow old or watch him get feeble and broke.

But there is the fact that we ARE getting old and broke. I have bad knees, a messed up shoulder, back and neck injuries (car wreck) that linger on. He is likely to get diabetes and both of us tend to get chubby when we stop working out. How much longer before I am so old and broke that I stop moving?


And then I take a breath. I am ONLY 29. I am ONLY 29. I am ONLY 29. Life does not end at 30. Heck, that's not even middle age (if I'm lucky). Unfortunately, the first and last decades of life tend to be less fun than the middle decades........but I can do this. I can grow up, grow old even.

But I don't have to like it.

on May 09, 2007
shameless bump
on May 09, 2007
30 is not so bad.  It actually can be a good milestone as people now see you as a 'real' adult instead of just a 'kid'.
on May 09, 2007
I can't believe two more birthdays and I'll be 40.

I don't have any gray hair but my blond gets kinda blah so sometimes I perk it up. heh.

Age is a mindset in so many ways. If you are not sure about having more kids, don't. That seems (to me) to be one of those big decisions ya need to be 100% on...but maybe that's why I only have two...

I learned a lot from your article. You are LDS and you are 29. Things I didn't know before.

on May 09, 2007
I started getting grey hairs when I was 19. I'll never forget when I went to get my hair done and the stylist is like I found a grey hair. There's another one. OMG, you have 7 grey hairs. After that I was paranoid about it but really they are just here and there. I definately haven't gone all grey. That's one bad thing about having dark hair, the greys really show up. But yep, you're right, we don't have to like it.
on May 09, 2007
Haha, LH, it may be a deployment thing. I always find a grey hair while he's deployed!

You know, I was reading back over your blog last night, and it struck me that we were in a very parallel situation. Back in '04 HW was in Iraq (Adrian was in Afghanistan) and you were pregnant. HW had leave and you almost didn't have her in time for HW to meet her (same here with Izzy). Your little girl's birthday is only 7 days before Izzy's.

It was just amazing to read back and see some of the same thoughts and emotions and experiences I had recorded by another person (although your birth story was nuts, haha, and not like mine at all!).

Unfortunately, due to these stupid 15 month deployments Izzy will be nearly 1, much older than your little girl, when she is reunited with her daddy.

Sorry to go so far off topic. I just thought that was interesting.
on May 09, 2007
29! 29? why I have underwear older than that! I have scars older than you are. My moustache is older than you are, I have been wearing false teeth longer than you have been alive! 29! 29? sheeeeshhhhhh. Both my kids are older than you. My oldest grandchild is now a teenager. bah! kids! 29! humbug!
on May 09, 2007
My Child Bride...

You were beautiful when I met you, and you get lovelier every day, more gorgeous as time goes on.
on May 09, 2007
You think 30 is OLD? Hahah. It aint for sissies, LH, but consider the alternative

Idon't think 30 is old....but I used to...

ou know, I was reading back over your blog last night, and it struck me that we were in a very parallel situation.

I've thought that several times....

My Child Bride...

thank you...i love you