a place to put random discourses on life
Published on April 11, 2007 By lifehappens In Current Events
Damn it. I have a right to be irritable. I am in a slightly off mood. I can feel my patience run short and my emotions run high. I'm right on the edge of thinking I'm sad or depressed or just plain angry, but I have the little voice in the back of my head telling me that I should calm down and quit be so selfish, so "poor me". But DAMN IT, I DO have the right to be cranky. I can be sad or just plain miserable if I want.

So there.

Now that I got that out, I feel no better than before. I'm an army wife. I've accepted that life sucks. Life seems to suck a tad bit more in certain areas if you are military. for example: All soldiers in the U.S. Central Command area of operations will serve 15-month tours in the region beginning immediately, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced today, "I believe it is fairer to all soldiers that all share the burden equally.” The secretary said he realizes his decision will ask a lot of Army troops and their families.

No shit Sherlock. This will ask a lot of us.

I'm okay with it. Really I am. I will be okay. But that doesn't mean I have to like it.

HW will miss a few things this tour in Iraq.
My 29th and 30th birthdays.
His daughters' 2nd and 3rd birthdays. (For those who are not clear on that....It means he misses EVERYTHING in between....all of two-dom
His son's 5th birthday, Pre-school and most of Kindergarten and a good chunk of year 5 (added to when he missed years 1, most of 2, and 3)
Our 10 year Anniversary.
2 Christmases.
2 Valentines Days
2 Halloweens, Thanksgivings and other nonsense.

It's not so much MY dates that bother me so much, but the realization that he will have left a 1 year old and return to a 3 year old. That's what hurts the most. My kids miss their daddy. I miss him. i miss seeing him be part of their lives, part of growing up.

That being said. I can do this. I know we are not going into this with our eyes shut. i knew before he left that he *might* get extended....well, I still hoped he wouldn't, but I wasn't unaware of the chance. I can do this, I just wish my best friend was here with me.

on Apr 11, 2007
on Apr 11, 2007
I feel for you. It's not easy and it's not fun but I know you'll do what you have to do.

The holidays were always so hard for me. Not so much at the time but later on when someone would ask me how Christmas was, I would just lose it. On the actual day, I kept busy and was okay.

Stay strong and it's okay to be cranky occassionally.

Now I feel silly for boo hooing about my husband being gone for a few days. Nothing like a change in perspective to make you realize that things aren't so bad.
on Apr 11, 2007
You don't have the right to be cranky... you have the right to be a downright total B**** and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I really have nothing else to add because I can't even come close to imagining how you feel. I will, however, agree with Tex and say:

on Apr 11, 2007
It has been over 14 years since I left the organized Wanderings and late at night...when all is quiet and still...I can hear the quiet "whoosh" of the Army sucking still. We love ya LH and we'll be around if you need us, okay?

on Apr 11, 2007
I would write a similar article, but I'm not even f*cking allowed to know this yet.
on Apr 11, 2007
I love you guys, and if there's anything I can do let me know.
on Apr 11, 2007
So, I hauled myself out of my rack this morning, grabbed a caffeinated sports drink out of the fridge to help me wake up, then went in to my soldiers' room to help them wake up, because, poor souls, they can't seem to do it on their own. Once I was satisfied that they were up and moving, I went into my office and fired up my computer to check my official email to see if anybody had sent me any 'this can't wait, do it NOW!' instructions while while I was sleeping. I opened up the MSN news in a seperate window, and saw a short article about how Mr. Gates has announced our extensions. 'Great.' I thought. 'Nice of him to tell the media before telling us. I better let Life know...'
Sorry, girl
also, I know I seem all youthful because of my baby face, but it's going to be my 38th birthday, not my 30th.
Anyway, hang in there. I love you, girl.
on Apr 12, 2007
A hug to make you feel less cranky about it all.

on Apr 12, 2007

'Nice of him to tell the media before telling us. I better let Life know...'

That really sucks.  Sorry HW and LH.

on Apr 12, 2007
When I heard about this on the radio this morning I thought of you and Tex, and how much this would suck for you guys. You have every right to be cranky (and then some). I'm so sorry that you got this news.
on Apr 12, 2007
Sorry for your pain.
on Apr 12, 2007
I'm sorry that I haven't responded to anyone. I do aprpeciate the support even though I feel lame for whining. Actually, right now I think I'm going to wallow in my misery for a while to see if I can get it out of my system.
on Apr 12, 2007
Actually, right now I think I'm going to wallow in my misery for a while

You're so cute when you wallow...