a place to put random discourses on life
The soup incident
Published on February 20, 2007 By lifehappens In Blogging
Scene: Allmart. Mom is pushing kid one in cart. Kid two makes a sudden discovery

"Mom, mom! We need this!" He point to an overpriced can of Ravioli with a cartoon character on it.

Deciding to teach the kid a lesson in economics, Mom makes him read the label.
"Mini Rav. Rav-ravi-ooh ligh"
"Yeah, that's what I said."

Holding up a can of Allmarty goodness, "And what does this one say?"
"Mini Ravioli"
"So they are the same?"
"Well, yeah..."
"This one is 85 cents and this one is 50 cents. Which is a bigger number?"
He points correctly.
"So do you want to give the store a lot of your money or just a little?"
"A little."
We buy the generic.

New scene: In the car driving home.
Mom: "When we get home we are going to have some yummy ravioli!"
Boy: "I don't' like ravioli."

Not to be outsmarted.....Mom sneaks in a quick comeback..."Okay then we can have soup."
Boy instantly replies, "I like Ravioli"

I think that counts as a win for mom.....

on Feb 20, 2007
A win for mom alright!LOL! Very cleverly done!  
on Feb 21, 2007
You know, if I ever get around to having kids I'm going to play mind games with them all the time... I do it to my friends and family already.

on Feb 21, 2007
You know, if I ever get around to having kids I'm going to play mind games with them all the time...

That is one of the perks of parenthood.
on Feb 21, 2007
IThe day I knew I was properly conditioning my kids to be cheapskates was the day my two oldest were discussing where we were going shopping.

The first stated "let's go to WalMart"

The second replied "I don't like WalMart. They're too expensive".

Needlessly to say, our ravioli comes sans cartoon characters.
on Feb 21, 2007
"I don't like WalMart. They're too expensive".

I say that all the time