a place to put random discourses on life
No I'm not suicidal
Published on February 7, 2007 By lifehappens In Blogging
Yes, before we go any farther, I know that I am using the most misused quote in the world.....but this morning when the alarm went off, I actually wondered if death is the only way I would finally feel rested.

That moment when you are violently yanked from peaceful bliss. Dream free slumber destroyed by the blaring sounds of a radio. THAT is the moment that ruins every day.

I have my clock radio across the room. Otherwise, I will simply hit the snooze button and go back to sleep....9 times. I have it set to music because my body hates the painful cacophony of an alarm so much that I have been known to get up, walk across the room, turn off the offending noise and go back to bed...all without waking up.

This morning as I got ready for my day, I noticed that I must have missed some mascara last night when I washed my face...there it was smeared under my eyes. I dutifully washed, brushed and primed myself to a semi-awake state, only to realize there had been no missed makeup....that was just my very own dark circles adorning my face.

I immediately make a resolution to get more sleep. I will go to bed at 8 o'clock tonight. Oh, wait, I can't. Um tomorrow? Nope, painting the final coat on the room. Friday? Well, that's Wild West Night. Maybe when I'm dead.....

on Feb 07, 2007
Ah, sleep!  Always tomorrow I will get more.
on Feb 07, 2007
Right after Thanksgiving, I gave up caffeine and I changed my eating habits based on the advice given in The New Glucose Revolution. Since then, I've lost weight, had more energy, and I wake feeling more rested even when I get less sleep. I don't depend on caffeine to get me through the day anymore. I don't know anything about your eating habits, but it's something that you may want to consider. If you can't get more sleep, maybe you can get better sleep.
on Feb 07, 2007
Haha....sleep, what's that?! When you have young children you don't have the luxury of sleep! Mine are older than yours and I still can't get enough sleep! Sometimes not due to their own faults, but rather mine! But I feel your pain!
on Feb 08, 2007
Well I have to admit that CariElf has a point. My eating/living habits have been less than stellar lately. I'm sure that might help.

And the real problem isn't just the kids, it's me. I wait for my DH to call (usually around 11:30) If I stay awake, then I just cut a lot of time out of my avalible sleep. If I go to bed, invariably I am in the middle of a rem cycle and wake up so groggy the conversation is no fun for him or myself. Plus I feel more tired the next day. I'm adjusting to it, but there are some days that hit me harder than others.

The worst part is the fact that if I stay up.....he doesn't call. If I think he won't call and go to bed.....he calls.

That's just how life happens.