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a blog about nothing....mostly
a place to put random discourses on life
part 1
Published on January 24, 2007 By
Since I have a moment before boy comes home from school and after girl has decided to stop stripping and simply put on more clothing, I will attempt to get a start on my JU Homework
Let's list what I could talk about.
My kids waking me up at 0430 to feed them
Girl deciding that the best way to ride a rocking horse is naked. (pictures too!)
The disaster that is my house.
The insanity that my disaster-filled home is causing me.
The lack of sleep
The guilt over JU follies
30 things before I'm 30
Why algebra sucks
why algebra instuctors who won't let you use a calculator to check your work suck
Can can! Kick up those heels.....an expose on the prudes who think I'm crazy
now that I've at least provided a teaser of upcoming episodes....here are some pics
Maddy providing endless amusement to her mother....and future years of therapy to her brother. She discovered his underwear drawer.....6 pairs on in all. I can't wait till she starts dating!
This is my living room. See the enormous paint box ? This is covering the opening in the wall leading to the addition. This way we can texture the wall, including part of the living room wall that needed to be replaced without getting the spray everywhere......just looking at this makes me want more chocolote.
and at the risk of incurring my husband's wrath.....(it may be edited later for content) Here is the view that I woke up to this morning......
So Texas, what's my grade? Do I at least get something for effort?
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Cuddles, Sex and a Rocking Horse
Texas Wahine
on Jan 24, 2007
Hahahhahaahaha...awesome blog.
I hate algebra, and I hate early mornings, but I love the (Blues Clues?) underwear stacking, and the rocking horse pic is priceless. The pink fuzzy slippers and cowboy hat really complete the look.
on Jan 24, 2007
I love algebra...so much better than calculus.
Your house looks a bit better than my dorm room.
I will agree that early mornings suck...speaking of which I have to get up early tomorrow for an 8AM chem lab...fun, fun.
on Jan 24, 2007
I'm liking those topics!
I see she's in the wearing her boy shorts already stage!
on Jan 24, 2007
Can't wait to hear the full stories.
Great pics as ALWAYS! You're so much fun. (Maybe your 2-year-old daughter can teach my almost 4 yr old son how to dress oneself willingly. I could sure use a break!)
on Jan 26, 2007
That is a precious pic. True happiness from a 2 yr old.. That is sweet. Good luck w/ HD... I know of the company that issues those things... It's in TX, by the big D... They have sooo many things that they are "required" to do for the customer, & it's obvious they didn't If you want to know how to get help in the future drop me a line... Good luck w/ home improvements.. You're braver than I am..
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