a place to put random discourses on life
Published on October 31, 2006 By lifehappens In Home & Family
random halloween thoughts

Don't park and find out when everyone is tired that you can't get back to the car without walking the long way around.

Make sure you have chem-lights for the kids....there are never enough streetlights.

Maddy liked to point out all the "cute puppy"(s) and "house"(s)

When I told Connor to get ready for bed and to go pee.....she told me "No pee, JELLYBEAN!" as she held up a treat.

Wear good shoes!

Find a rich neighborhood to get the good stuff!

on Nov 01, 2006
Haha, cute really cute and I couldn't agree with you more on the lights and the shoes. I learned my lesson from last year. This time I wore sneakers, dressed all in black because I was a witch and I brought a handy dandy flashlight and made sure I had my cellphone too.

It was amusing to see this year how many moms were carting around their kids in cars! I thought that was funny!

Sounds like your kids had a good time.