a place to put random discourses on life
paternity tests, milk and sock joy.
Published on July 14, 2006 By lifehappens In Home & Family
Just as Discourses of a 4 year old and Thoughts of a 3 year old covered my son's life.....this series is about my daughter. I figured that I better start writing down the crazy stuff she does or I'll never remember it to use as "embarassment ammo" later!

My son insisted that all liquids were milk. Water, Juice, everything. My daughter found a baggie of water (remains of an icepack) and has been walking around, peering through it as though it's a magnifying glass. and she makes sure to point out that it's "meeelk" everytime she sees me.

She has also caught on to the concept of parents faster than my son did. He didn't know what a "dad" was till he was almost 2. He didn't know anyone who actually HAD a dad and thought that the computer's name was dad. My daughter on the other hand likes to point out every parent in the store.

If you are male and standing within 5 feet of a baby...you are a dad. (How's that for a paternity test?)

It's a little embarassing when she keeps calling strangers "mommy and daddy" and I have to explain sometimes that she knows who I am....she just likes to point out other moms and dads.

And today.....She discovered the Joy of Socks. This morning alone she tried out hands, feet, faces , and heads for the athetic value of sock wearing. The best was watching her try to put socks on her feet.....while wearing a sock on her hand AND holding another one. hee hee.

So nothing particularly amazing here....jsut some cute stuff by the bug.

on Jul 14, 2006
oh, yeah, I forgot to add this. She loves to steal her brother's superheros and pretend they are babies! Hee hee. It's so fun to watch her push Superman around in a stroller and give him kisses and hugs!
on Jul 14, 2006
push Superman around in a stroller and give him kisses and hugs!

Haha, I got a kick out of that one! She sounds adorable and I'm glad she's doing well! Wait til she gets to four years old when everything is HERS and hers alone! And when she tries to outsmart you!
on Jul 14, 2006
She's 2 already?! Holy moley, time flies when it's someone else's kid

He didn't know what a "dad" was till he was almost 2. He didn't know anyone who actually HAD a dad and thought that the computer's name was dad.

That's enough to tug on a person's heartstrings, because of course he was deployed most of Connor's earliest years, right? So you talked to him on the computer... *sob*

she keeps calling strangers "mommy and daddy"

There's a little boy on our street (2 years old) who does the same thing...but the person doesn't have to be an adult to qualify. Any female, regardless of age is "mommy." Any male..."daddy." So he calls baby girls "mommy." Funny!

watching her try to put socks on her feet

Good for her! My son still hasn't shown any interest in dressing himself. I think I'm going to be his maid-servant for life...

It's so fun to watch her push Superman around in a stroller and give him kisses and hugs!

Ooh, it's stuff like that that makes me hope my little one is really going to be a girl. It would be fascinating to see how inherently different a girl behaves.
on Jul 14, 2006
And one more thing. I laughed out loud at this one:

If you are male and standing within 5 feet of a baby...you are a dad. (How's that for a paternity test?)

If only things were that simple. HA!
on Jul 14, 2006

If you are male and standing within 5 feet of a baby...you are a dad. (How's that for a paternity test?)

That has to be one of the all time best ones!

Kids are great.