Intolerance at it's most hypocritical....
BlueDev wrote an article here and it started me thinking about something in my own life. It's been percolating in the back of my head for a while, so HW don't jump to any conclusions...nothing happened.
To sum it up for those too lazy to go read his stuff, he is announcing the return of his brother from the mission field. Latter day Saints, or Mormons as we are commonly called, ask that every member serve. Those who meet the criteria and feel the desire can serve full time for 2 years. Everyone who responded to his blog was polite, supportive and kind. That is fantastic.
Why is it that some people can not respect others beliefs? Is it a matter of vindictive hatred or spitefulness that doesn't allow some people to give others the freedom to follow the religion that they chose? I find it hard to belief that people would just choose a religion on a whim. Most people fast, pray, study etc before commiting themselves to God in any fashion. So why do some people take it upon themselves to look down on those who don't share the same faith?
Point in case, my father and step-mother. They are Baptist. I am a Mormon. According to them, all you have to do to be saved is believe in Jesus and accept the fact that he died for my sins. ta da. that's it. Okay, according to that logic. I'm saved. So why do they insist on pointing out how they diapprove of the fact I believe in revelation or personnal answers to prayers? They send "christian" books for my kids as though I may not be teaching them the right things. (I AM A even says it in the name of our church!) They get rude when my religion or beliefs are mentioned, however circumspectly. And when I finally pointed out that I am their standards, they have the nerve to tell me that I don't believe in the "real" Jesus.
Our church sends missionaries out to share the joy we feel from knowing that God loved us enough to provide a plan of salvation. We share our beliefs out of personal joy and wanting to share that with others, but if you ar not interested, well, that's your choice and we would never try to force it on you or persecute you because of why do some people feel that the "i'm better than you and you are going to hell" train of thought is the way to go?
PS This mini-rant applies to all religious people who are intolerant of the God Given right to choose....It's typically noticed in non-christians, but I see it in those who claim Christianity too...and I just don't understand why anyone would feel that it is the right way to treat others.